Authored by : Brel GraceMangalala

02 Pages : 9-20


    The 19th and 20th centuries have been for European missions to Africa. The main goal of the European missions to Africa was to civilize and exploit the Africans in their own territories because they needed the resources of Africa. This paper demonstrates that the 21st century is also a century for China to invade and re-colonize Africa through a new policy of loans, aid, assistance, technology, cultural exchange and the signing of colonial pacts such as the secret socio-economic and political treaties. Through a historical perspective based on the comparison, the study reveals that China has the same purposes and intentions as the Europeans when coming to Africa because China is not a friend of Africa. China does not love Africa, but its secret mission is to corrupt African leaders through loans and grants by bringing little assistance in order to rob Africa's raw materials and take over the land.

    Key Words

    Colonial-mission, Secret-mission, New-policy, Re-colonization


    From the end of the 18th to 20th century, African territories have been invaded by the European powers. This period marked the colonial missions to Africa. Through missions, the Europeans occupied African lands and territories and robbed Africa’s natural resources as well. According to Kwame (Nkrumah, 1976), their “mission they claimed was to civilize Africa” and bring the Africans to modernization. So, if the 19th and 20th centuries were the centuries for the Europeans to invade massively the African continent with diabolical intentions, today it is generally agreed that the 21st century is also a century for “China-Africa’s cooperation and collaboration”. Inside this collaboration or mutual, China views that its mission to Africa is to assist Africa’s socio-economic and political growth, and its assistance consists of building Africa. 

    In this respect, our paper focuses on the study of colonial missions to Africa, especially China’s secret mission and new policy in Africa today. Then, our topic is formulated as follows: Colonial Missions To Africa: A Case Study of China’s Secret Mission And New Policy In Africa. The choice of this topic is linked to our objective of the total liberation and decolonization of Africa. So, our research question is: what is China’s secret mission in Africa today? According to Jennifer (Chow et al., 2022b): "China comes to Africa as a business partner, not to proselytize or offer charity". For Cooke, China's soft power in Africa consists of grants, interests, free loans, bilateral State loans, and concessional low-interest loans. In this regard, our purpose is to show China’s invasion, secret mission and new policy of re-colonization in Africa. 

    As far as the review of literature is concerned, we have to confess that many people wrote about colonial missions and the Chinese's mission to Africa. For instance, Viera Pavliková (2007) wrote on Christian missions in Africa and their role in the transformation of African society. San Shium (Tseng, 2009) studied the Republic of China's foreign policy towards Africa. Jennifer (Chow et al., 2022b) also studied China's soft power in Africa and its implications for the United States. In a study, Bayemy Biyick (2018) showed the great secret of Asia. But none of these authors wrote on China's secret mission when coming to Africa. So, in this paper, we focus on this last point in order to show China's new policy in Africa which consists of robbing Africa's resources. 

    In this perspective, for the achievement of this study, we have used the historical approach based on comparison, because we have tried to compare China's mission with European colonial missions to Africa. So, the data collection methods included documentary review, focus group discussions and the use of open-ended questions. The study has a total of 23 respondents and the majority were young scholars making a total of 10. 5 African-economists and the 8 others were elders who were born in the post-colonial period and they had the experience about colonial missions to Africa.   

    Concerning the organization of the study, this paper is divided into two main sections. In section one, we study China’s mission and policy in Africa today and in section two, we analyze and discuss our findings. 

    China’s Secret Mission and New Policy in Africa

    The focus of this section is to explore the Chinese’s secret mission and new policy in Africa. In this respect, if the 20th century has been a century for Europeans to invade in mass African continent so as to exploit natural resources, and divide and colonize the Africans in their own territories or lands, it is not wrong to say that the 21st century is also a century for China to invade massively Africa and its natural resources. The policy is to re-colonize the African continent because according to the “Global Agenda against Black Asians”, China’s mission to Africa is to re-colonize African countries and to take over the whole continent. According to “News on Black Africa” designed as the most important alert: Is China colonizing Africa? Yes, it is using a soft policy for now. For instance, Africa has become its source of oil, minerals and metals. According to “Paekche’s Principles-The Great Secret of Asia”, "China wants Africa for itself eventually it will wipe out all indigenous people" (Https:// From the time being, the Chinese people are already using all means including trickery and weapons to seize the resources needed by China in Africa. According to the Chinese people, Africa is the only place where to find in abundance and without adequate military protection these lands and strategic resources. In reality, China and the industrialized nations have the same goals: grabbing Africa and its innumerable lands and resources. 

    The current situation is that China has become the first leading creditor of the majority of African countries and it is now in a strong position in Africa and raises many concerns. For instance, China gives African countries the loans, the money which they know that Africans are corrupt and they will not be able to pay back. So, with these loans, the Chinese people have freedom and access to our countries. For instance, there is today the misappropriation of lands and mineral resources, fisheries, oil massive, unrolled and illegal immigration in Africa by the Chinese people. Likewise, there is a violation of African states' sovereignty, including increasing military presence in Africa by the Chinese. 

    As we have already indicated, we would like to emphasize that China's mission in coming into Africa is only to rob the Africans of their lands and resources. Also, if invaders such as the French, the British, and the Belgians had a diabolical mission of robbing and colonizing the Africans, it is true that China has also the same intentions as the Europeans when coming to Africa, simply because China wanted Africa's lands and resources by hook or crook means to ensure the survival of the Chinese race. A classic example of this fact is in the Demographic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where the Chinese people are doing the illegal ivory trade, destroying natural resources, cutting trees, and destroying African soils and rivers. In Zimbabwe for instance, and in many other countries in Africa, The Chinese people seek goods, and diamonds, taking over the land and re-colonizing. In Uganda, they are taking over the land, they also seize everything. In Angola, they are in a strong position of oil control. 

    Another significant point is that if former colonizers thought to send their people as missionaries in Africa in order to invade the whole of Africa by their intentions to transform the African society, it is also important to recognize that China intends to send half a billion people into Africa before the end of the year 2040, and these families will be encouraged to bear four to five children so that by the year 2065 there will be over 2 billion Chinese in Africa. During the same period, the African population is strangely projected to decrease by some unknown occurrences. End game, the Chinese population in Africa will surpass the African population by the year 2080 and China will effectively own the African continent and its resources. To illustrate this point, in Nigeria, there are about 50,000 Chinese who settled there and mixed up our people, as well as holding in mineral-rich, rural areas and are heavily involved in illegal mining. At the end of the year 2019, there was also a study which confirmed that over 50 million Chinese already being pushed onto the African continent, most of them hardened criminals taken out of jail. By the same token, there are about 2,5 million Chinese in South Africa and over a million in Ghana and Ivory Coast. So, there are pockets of them everywhere in 54 African countries. As far as we are concerned, we agree with the idea that China is using the policy of assimilation as did the French people in order to take not only over the lands but also to re-colonize the African continent. we would like to add that China will possess the African continent. According to Professor Sold Adejumobi (2015: 12): "Africa can only be China if it doesn't think differently." 

    Furthermore, the Chinese are snapping African seaports and airports. Their mission is to grant African countries some toxic loans to build their much-needed infrastructure and get African leaders to sign a shrouded contract, written in Mandarin, which will permanently transfer the ownership of these ports to Chinese nations. The truth is that China has the same mission as the European-invaders such as the French and the British, because the Chinese people are coming into Africa with some neo-colonial strategies. If both the French and British systems of colonizing were to build roads, railways, and ports for the permanent transportation of goods to their nations, it is not wrong to say that China has also the same vision and objective. For instance, in the Republic of Congo-Brazzaville, the Chinese are building things like: airports, ports, roads, etc. and exploiting Africa's raw material there with their bad and illegal cooperation which they are calling "Sino-Congolese –cooperation". In Djibouti, they have also taken that small country's seaport off them and set it up as a military base. In South Africa, they even have their own police stations and can arrest, detain and interrogate offenders. In all African countries, the Chinese policy is standard. In fact, most Chinese companies in Africa have fully armed Chinese security guards which from time to time turn the weapons on Africans. Without a doubt, China wants to maintain military bases in African countries like what France is doing in Mali in order to take social control.  

    In the same way, China is building schools in many African countries. The Chinese language is also being introduced in African schools. In our view, this is the same vision and goal that former colonial masters did in order to civilize and colonize the Africans. To buttress this point, according to Viera Pawliková Vilhanova (2007: 257), former colonial masters "established schools because education was deemed indispensable to their aim." So, it can be noticed that China is introducing their language in our schools in order to control us because they realise that there is a secret in language. In Nigeria for instance, especially in Lagos State, the Chinese language has been introduced into the secondary school curriculum. Likewise, in the Republic of the Congo China is building schools. Their language is also introduced in many high schools as a secondary language, taught by the Chinese themselves. In a similar way, they even possess local centres for teaching their language. In one word, it is vital to say that China is using the same policy as that of the British and French to control the African continent. By the year 2060, there is no doubt that some African countries will only speak the Chinese language because China wants to impose their language in Africa so as to civilize our people for the second time. To support this point, in Zambia for example, the Chinese people have taken the National Television and they diffuse information in the Chinese language. They also have special emissions there for the Chinese language teaching courses. So, China's policy of language teaching is standard across Africa. According to President Hu, China would: 

    ? Build 100 rural schools in Africa;

    ? Train 15,000 African professionals;

    ? Double the number of Chinese government scholarships for African students from 2,000 to 4,000 per year. (Chow et al., 2022b) 

    In our view, what China is doing in Africa is re-colonization simply because the issue of language teaching, training, and offering scholarships is what the former colonizers did in order to further their domination. According to Nkwazi Mhango (2018: 35): 

    Regarding brain corruption, China is offering many scholarships to Africa in order to be able to influence their future academics and leaders (…) China offered 15,600 scholarships to 52 African countries in 2005. 

    The question we can put here according to Mhango (2018: 34) is that: Are such scholarships well intended for the development of Africa really? We do not think so! Because China's scholarships for Africans are seen as a way to enslave Africa's brains. According to Emery P. Lumumba, "those who will study in Bruxelles, Washington, Paris," Hong Kong and in other European cities, "will be subjected to colonialism but the ones who will study in Africa will be free from colonialism". Similarly, if former colonial masters opened schools and centres for training and teaching the Africans the master their language and culture in order to facilitate communication, it is not wrong to say that China is also doing the same thing. To prove this fact, according to Jennifer (Chow et al., 2022b).

    China has pushed strongly to broaden cultural exchanges with Africa as well. The first Confucius Institute in Africa was established in Nairobi in 2005. These institutes are founded by the Chinese government and offer Chinese language and culture programming to the general public. Today there are 19 such institutes in Africa. 

    China is re-colonizing Africa. Indeed, Africa's gold, diamonds, ore, iron, and almost all those mines are being exploited by the poor population of China; and the Chinese's mission is to take over the land. As we all know former colonizers came to Africa with the Bible under the name of religion so as to colonize, exploit and rob Africa and its resources, it can also be noticed that China comes to Africa with knowledge and technology as tools for re-colonizing Africans, because the Chinese know that education is an efficacious tool for colonizing. That is the reason why, they want to impose their knowledge and technology on the Africans. As they know that Africans are not advanced in technology so, it is through technological knowledge that they are robbing our commodities. To support these arguments, in Sierra Leon, through technology China is doing all it can. In the Republic of the Congo, the Chinese people have settled in every region, and through technology, they are doing what they can do without the permission of the government. They are also buying lands, destroying the flora and fauna with their technology and nobody can react or say anything. This is a process that is being implemented across Africa and African leadership is asleep thinking that China is a friend of Africa. People of Africa we speak to you, white people are not your friends and they will never be your friends. In our view, The Chinese people are ready to do anything by all means to see us down. 

    Broadly speaking, the Chinese's mission to Africa is comparable to the British colonial mission simply because the Chinese people want everything through their cooperation which they call "win-win cooperation" or "South-South cooperation". So, China's secret mission is to collaborate with the Africans at least politically, economically, intellectually and socially in order to better dominate the Africans. If the British had a mission to collaborate with our village chiefs or late kings in using indirect rule so as to take social control over our lands, it is true that China has the same mission and policy simply because before the Chinese come into Africa, they first corrupt and collaborate with our leaders or presidents. To support this point, we think (Dasenbrock & Thiong’o, 1984) are not wrong when they noted that: "the visit of this delegation, plus the gifts and the crown they have brought us, marks the beginning of an even more fruitful period of cooperation." It is nevertheless clear that China's relations, cooperations and collaborations are visible signs of colonial policies. As far as we are concerned, we do not believe in China-Africa relations because they are only beneficial to China. In other words, China has a colonial mission through their collaboration. For instance, the Chinese's social collaboration shows that their mission to Africa is not to build Africa but to colonize Africa. So, their advice for maintaining social control according to Kwame Nkrumah (1963: 55) is the following: 

    Go to the people

    Live among them

    Learn from them

    Love them

    Serve them

    Plan with them

    Start with what they know

    Build on what they have.  

    And “exploit the colonial peoples, but be cunning enough not to let them know that you are doing so” (Nkrumah, 1962: 26). Also, do your best "Africans to remain Africans" (Nkrumah, 1962: 28). It is then clear as water to understand that China does not love Africa. China does not serve and build, Africa. It does not assist Africa's growth. In other words, China is lying to the Africans through loans and grants. According to San Shium (Tseng, 2009), "loans and grants are tied to the incidence of poverty." In a similar vein, China wants to learn everything from us so as to impose on us its own way. According to President Jiang Zemin, the leader of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, "All countries, big or small, are equal with each other; China supports the struggle of the developing countries for safeguarding their political and economic rights and interests; and China refrains from imposing its own ways on others" (Tseng, 2009). To better understand Zemin, China wants to possess Africa and its commodities by assisting Africa's development and through that assistance China imposes so as to safeguard its rights and interests. According to Ama Biney (2011: 131), “Nkrumah criticized the economic relationships of overseas aid investment from the former metropolitan country as one that drained Africa of its wealth.” It is clear to understand that any aid that is subsequently passed down to the poor of developing countries is incidental, because according to San Shium (Tseng, 2009), "China's aid is not just a give—and—take game but a tool of foreign policy which influences relations." It means that through aid and collaborations or relationships, China is attracted by our commodities the way former colonial masters were attracted. To support this point, Emery Patrice Lumumba was right when he noted that:  

    The colonialists do not care about Africa for itself. They are attracted by African wealth and their actions are guided by the desire to preserve their interests in Africa against the will of African people.  (Https://

    For this reason, it is significant to point out that China's mission to Africa is only to loot African resources through technology, aid, and relations. In reality, China wants to preserve its interests in Africa against the will of African people by duping the African leaders about the principles of "equality", "mutual benefit", "diversity in form", and "attainment of common progress." We would like to let you know that there is no equality between China and Africa in matters of "benefit". Also, there is no progress for the African continent with China's relations and aid, because “Paekche’s Principles—the Great Secret of Asia” reveals that the Chinese are a people of consumers who build little but destroy everything and kill in mass. These are the constant factors of this nation for thousands of years. Their water and air are polluted to the extreme, their population is poor and too numerous. That's why, they want everything now in Africa. Likewise, China's mission is to pollute African air, water, and land and to take everything from the soil, forests and rivers with their new technology. We are afraid because China's secret mission and policy is not only to re-colonize Africa but also to ravage Africa's natural resources for the survival of its population. Without a doubt, the Chinese people are devastating our inherited wealth and the future of our children and grandchildren.  

    According to the sources consulted, the Chinese declare that with the "win-win or South-South co-operation" they will assist Africa's growth. These are the same promises brought by former colonial masters when they came to civilize Africans. To prove this fact, according to Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1972: 32 

    While the European settlers robbed the African people of their land and the products of their sweat, the missionaries robbed people of their souls. Thus, was the African body and soul bartered for thirty pieces of silver and the promise of a European heaven. 

    It is then very clear to understand that China's aid and promise to develop Africa consist of robbing Africa's resources because after seeing the way Africans were molested in China during the COVID-19 debate, we now understand their true intentions. They want our resources, but they do not want us. For instance, during COVID-19, Africans were dragged out of their hotels, denied access to hospitals, and eateries and were not even allowed into supermarkets. Some were chased down the streets and beaten blue-black by the communist police. There was an art gallery where we saw the Chinese comparing us to Monkeys, and that means that China is supporting Africa's growth. We do not think so! A person who is able to compare other people to Monkeys is not far from rejecting or using that person as a slave. In our view, China likes Africa because of its natural resources, and China's intention is to take over the land so as to control everything by giving Africans a lot of promises as the former colonizers did. Africa must open its eyes because it is not too late to stop China's intentions in Africa.

    In addition, China's mission to Africa is not far from the British, the French and the Belgian because if all these invaders used us as slaves in order to exploit us with our resources, it is not wrong to say that China's mission or policy is also to use us like slaves in our own lands. To support this point, there was a recent incident in South Africa where a Chinese employer locked up his workers under the guard of Chinese security and forced them to work harder for one week against their will. In Zambia, it was the same thing where a Chinese company locked the Zambian workers for at least two weeks and forced them to work against their will too. Seriously, we must open our eyes, because forced labour risks to come back to Africa by the Chinese people. We are convinced that China is bringing a new system of slavery to Africa because if we try even to see how they are utilizing Africans in some factories that they implemented in some African countries it is so sad to explain.

    Apart from that, China is bringing tribalism and racism to Africa. This is the same view as what the former colonial masters did. If the first invaders were tribal and racist, it is also evident to bear in mind that China is doing the same thing. To prove this reality, In Kenya for example, there was a young Chinese boy who was arrested by the Kenyan police in 2020 because he insulted all the Kenyans including the president of Kenya that they are like Monkeys, and he showed his racism by saying that he prefers to live with people who have a white skin like the Americans. Then, the police asked him: "Why did you come to Africa?" The boy answered by saying "I come to Africa just for business." It is clear at this level to understand that China is a business partner for Africa and its secret mission is for business. Also, In Zambia, the Chinese have built a big restaurant and they said "The Zambians are not allowed to get in their restaurant because they are like dogs, because they try to eat the remaining food on some tables" What insult? It is obvious that the Chinese people do not like Africans and they are showing tribalism and racism everywhere in Africa. In our view, a person who is able to qualify other people as dogs or Monkeys is not far from using those people as slaves because yesterday Europeans called us "the Black savages" or "the indigenous people" In the end we were slaves for Europeans. Today it is the same scenario. The Chinese are calling us "Monkeys or dogs". We must pay attention because slavery is going to come back in Africa.

    We would like to add that the Chinese people are raping our mothers and sisters every day the way the Europeans raped our ancestors and their aim is also to rob our sisters' destiny. To buttress this point, in 2019, there was an incident of Chinese rape in The Republic of the Congo, especially occurred in the Likouala region (in the northern part of the Congo), where seven Chinese locked a young Congolese girl of 17 years old in a hotel and committed the crime of rape and nobody says anything. Without doubt, China’s crime of rape is seen everywhere in Africa today. So, President Vladimir Putin is right when he noted that "a white man will commit a crime in Africa but no action will be taken because the African people view us as demigods, far from the truth". A black man can be abducted in Europe harassed and even killed but no African authorities will question it. Africans present themselves as weak people with no hope, especially when dealing with Europeans, Americans and Chinese. Now is Poutin really wrong? Is he telling the truth or is he lying? Please, how can we reflect on all this? This is a big insult to us. Someone from another continent views how we act and move. This is really sad, but this is what is really happening right now and if we do not react as Africans, we are forevermore finished because the way we are acting today will not change in the future; and it proves that we are mentally enslaved. According to Kayemb Uriel Nawej’s (2009 : 77) observation : “la grande masse des noirs reste mentalement et spirituellement colonisée.” So, we must decolonize our minds.

    China's mission is, indeed, to govern Africa and its resources. Their policy is to collaborate in order to better reign, dominate, exploit and rob Africa's raw materials so as to become an economically powerful nation all over the world. To illustrate this point, According to La Charte de l’impérialisme ou la Charte de la Servitude.

    Le devoir des blancs est de maintenir l’Afrique (…) dans le sous-développement, la misère, la division, les guerres, le chaos pour bien le dominer, l’exploiter et le Piller à travers les missions de Nations Unies (Article, 25).  

    The duty of the whites is to keep Africa (…) in underdevelopment, misery, division, wars, and chaos in order to dominate it, exploit it and plunder it through the missions of the United Nations (Article, 25).  

    Shortly speaking, China's mission to Africa is neither to build nor really to assist Africa's growth. But the Chinese's secret mission is only to rob Africa's destiny and dream because China is using all means for now in order to control Africa. Without a doubt, China will control Africa and Africa will become a Chinese land and colony if we do not pay attention to its invasion. In our view, China's duty in Africa is to dominate by bringing little assistance because China's assistance is a tool for re-colonization and through it China is maintaining its interests in Africa. People of Africa we speak to you, if former colonial masters have used all means to divide, rob and exploit us and our resources, it is not wrong to claim that China is doing the same thing now in our territories. So, we must open our eyes to China's invasion, mission and policy in Africa today. As can be seen, in the coming section, we attempt to discuss our findings. 

    Results and Discussion

    As explained earlier, the purpose of our study was to show China's invasion, secret mission and new policy in Africa today. The research question that guided our study is: What is China's secret mission in Africa today? To answer this question, the respondents were asked to share their historical views and understandings about China's invasion of Africa. The results obtained from their responses differed from one respondent to another. But, in most cases, most respondents agreed that the 21st century is a century for China to invade and re-colonize Africa through a new policy of loans, aid, assistance, technology, cultural exchange and the signing of the secret economic, social and political contracts. China has the same purposes and intentions as the Europeans when coming to Africa. China is not a friend of Africa. China does not love Africa, but its secret mission is to corrupt African leaders through loans and grants by bringing little assistance in order to rob Africa's raw materials and take over the land. This new policy has been identified as the policy of re-colonizing Africa.

    In this regard, it is high time for all Africans to take action, to stop the Chinese influx into Africa, to stop the illegal mining of our mineral resources, to stop the ongoing dehumanization of Africans on our own soils, we need to pay attention, if we do not want to pay the price again. China is not a friend of Africa, and we do not need China in Africa. China has the same intention and goal as the Europeans. In other words, the Chinese want to take what is ours, they want to lay claim to our inheritance. They want to show us that they love us. In reality, they do not love us. According to Muammar Khaddaffi, "If Europe, America and China tell you that they love you, be careful! They love the wealth of your country, the oil and not the people." People of Africa we speak to you, China is not a friend of Africa, China does not like Africans. But China's mission and new policy in Africa is only to rob Africa's natural resources. As Africans, we must stand up side by side, in order to stop China's invasion and policy. If not, our children and grandchildren will wake up one day without lands and forests because China wants to buy and rob everything from our leaders. According to the warning of Kwame Nkrumah (1967: 9):

    If we do not (…) take active steps (…) we will soon be fighting and warring among ourselves with imperialists and colonialists standing behind the screen pulling various wires, to make us cut each other’s throats for the sake of their diabolical purposes in Africa. 

    It is clear that if we do not take action and decisions to stop China's new policy in Africa, we will soon be warring among ourselves and our children and grandchildren will not have a good future and destiny simply because the systems of robbery will not have an end to our continent if we continue begging assistance from the Western powers. To buttress this point, according to Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1982: 205): 

    Let me tell you, I’m sure that the system of theft and robbery will never end in this continent as long as people are scared…we must struggle and fight against the culture of fear. And there is only one cure. The organization of the workers and peasants of the land, together with those whose eyes and ears are now open and alert. 

    In other terms, China is doing things that Africans can do like building our own roads, building our own hospitals, and building our own schools, ports, airports, stadiums, etc. Knowledge and technology no longer belong to anyone. We cannot be smarter than China if we work for our own continent. Because it is said that all African leaders work for the interests of the West in Africa. This is why, they are begging assistance from all countries of the world. So, why begging aid, money, and assistance anytime from China? In our view, we must reject China's assistance, aid, loans and technology in Africa because according to Thomas Sankara "he who feeds you, controls you."  So, we must understand that China's aid is a tool for re-colonization and domination. To prove this reality, according to Ama Biney, "for Nkrumah, even "aid" is a neo-colonial tool that fails to benefit the recipient states by raising the standards of living of Africans" (Biney, 2011: 131). It is nevertheless clear that Africa will become a Chinese colony if Africans do not reject their aid by thinking differently. Africa must reject China's aid policy to power its progress itself because according to Professor Sold Adejumobi (2015: 12).

    Many African countries still celebrate aid and rely on it to prop up their national budgets. Africa must regain its self-worth and dignity by relying less on handouts, either from the West or East to power its progress.

    People of Africa, once more, we speak to you, Africa will never be economically independent if Africans continue relying on China’s aid and assistance because according to Ben Bella: “real economic independence is characterized by full control over natural resources” (Martin, 2012: 77).  For this reason, we are convinced that China is controlling Africa economically and socially and very soon Africa will become its own colony because of “aid” that it provides to our new generation of leaders. According to Nkwazi Mhango (2018: 35): "aid is not a bad thing shall it aim at helping a person out of the problem he or She is facing. It becomes a problem when it pushes such a person into more poverty than that person was. Africa now is losing a lot of resources to China…" due to aid and through it, Africa is likely going to lose the same it did in its colonial and exploitative relationship with Europe.

    We, the people of Africa must also understand why China and the Western world envy Africa. According to the sources consulted, Africa is 60% arable land. Africa has 90% raw material reserves. Africa is a 40% gold reserve. Africa has a 33% diamond reserve. Africa is manganese, iron, and wood. Africa is three times the area of China, ten times the area of Europe, and four times the area of the United States of America. Africa is thirty and a half million Kilometers (30,415,875 square kilometres); Africa has 1.6 billion inhabitants. China has 1.4 billion inhabitants over 9.6 Million kilometres. Africa has cultural diversity (dance, music, architecture, sculpture, etc.) Africa has 30,000 medical recipes. Africa represents the future of humanity by 2060. Africa alone will be able to feed 9 billion people. According to Kwame Nkrumah (1966: 1):

    Africa has more than 40 per cent of the world’s potential water power, a greater share than any other continent. Yet less than five per cent of this volume has been utilized. Even taking into account the vast desert stretches of the Sahara, there is still in Africa more arable and pasture land than exists in either the United States of America or the Soviet Union. There is even more than in Asia. Our forest areas are twice as great as those of the United States. 

    So, we have to understand the jealousy of the Chinese. Without a doubt, who controls Africa, controls the world and the world reserve. We have also to understand why there is a new scramble for Africa by the Chinese and the Western powers. Sadly, for 400 years Africans have not been in control of Africa because Africa's resources were only used for the enrichment and development of European countries. According to Kwame Nkrumah (1966: 2), "If Africa's multiple resources were used in her own development, they could place her among the modernized continents of the world. But her resources have been, and still are being used for the greater development of overseas interests", especially since China is looting Africa's natural resources for now. It is high time for the second phase of liberation. It is time to stop China's position in Africa, if not, China will control Africa and the world because whoever controls Africa, controls the world stock reserve. China risks to civilize Africa again. Another significant point is that we must reject China's vision of language teaching in Africa because language is also a tool for colonization. Look at African youth they are now interested in the Chinese language more than African languages. According to Libyan leader Muammar al-Kaddafi:

    We should rehabilitate African languages, by choosing three or four of them, with specific alphabets that are not tied to the Latin alphabet, which deforms our native languages. He warned that if we lose our languages we will lose our origins, our roots, and our cultures (Asante, 2018).

    In a similar vein, we must reject China's new technology in Africa because the Chinese are polluting our air, water, and lands. According to Muammar al Kaddafi, "We need to rehabilitate and preserve traditional African shelters because they are suited to our climate condition" (Asante, 2018). We must also take from China what is good and reject what is not good. According to Emery Patrice Lumumba's warning: "We will borrow from Western civilization what is good and beautiful and reject what is not suitable for us" (Lumumba, 1972). We must recognize that China is coming up with the same scenarios as former colonial masters and do not think that if China controls us and our resources, our position will be better all over the world. On the contrary, every white race needs everything from us and they are able to use us again as slaves. To support this point, Marcus Garvey in his “African Philosophical Courses” of September 1937, warned the Africans as follows: 

    Do not think that if the Chinese or the Indians take over the world, your position will be better. All other races and nations will use you in the same way, as slaves and outsiders. Therefore, your only protection is to have your own government. Do not encourage Blacks to join Japanese, Chinese, Indian or other movements; with the hope of obtaining greater freedom. They will never have it, because all the people want all things for themselves (Summer, 1937).

    It is very clear to understand that Africa's protection and freedom are in unity of its people because Kwame Nkrumah (1963: 53) was not wrong when he said that "the obvious solution to Africa's problems is unity so that development can be properly and cohesively planed." For Nkrumah (1963: 129), "we must accommodate our minds and attitudes" and "we in Africa must learn to band together to promote African interests or fall victim to imperialist manoeuvres to re-colonize us." It is vital to point out that to stop China's invasion, policy and robbery in Africa we must only come together as one Africa, one people, and one vision. This can be possible if only our leaders accept to collaborate in the leadership. But, according to Professor Achille Mbembe: 

    L’Afrique manque de leadership. Un vide qui favorise les interventions comme celle de la France, l’Amérique et la Chine (Émergence Tombwa, 2015: 18). 

    Africa lacks leadership. A vacuum that favours interventions like that of France, America and China (Émergence Tombwa, 2015: 18).  

    Also, Africans must not follow the movements of China. Firstly, because China is only a business partner for Africa. Secondly, because  according to Professor Théophile Obenga:

    L’Afrique n’est pas encore sortie du contexte politique colonial. Et il faudra à l’Afrique assurer absolument sa sécurité pour éviter toute domination future (Émergence Tombwa, 2015: 40).  

    Africa has not yet emerged from the colonial political context. Africa must absolutely ensure its security to avoid any future domination (Émergence Tombwa, 2015: 40).  

    It has been revealed that Africa's protection against China's invasion and policy depends on the unification of African people and that is the only way for our common defence because alone as a country it is impossible to stop China's mission, policy and intention. So, we must work together in order to ensure our security, we mean Africa's security. In our concern, China's aid remains a colonial policy. It is through it that China is ravaging our resources. So, we must stay vigilant with China's aid and cooperation because according to Nkrumah (1962: 35), the Chinese people are using "the old colonialist methods of (…) educational and cultural infiltration" as means for re-colonizing the Africans. For Nkrumah (1967: 37), we must be:

    Vigilants, for colonialism and imperialism, may come to Africa in different guises. We must therefore alert ourselves to be able to recognize this whenever and wherever it rears its head and prepare ourselves to fight against it. 

    For sure, and for the protection of our resources, we should stay away from a wishful thinking mentality like the one Emery Patrice Lumumba who always says "If Africans can do this, they will get this" and be better than China. We really need to aspire for leadership, because most of our current leaders are now on borrowing time. So, we have to set our lands in a manner that will bring hope and happiness to the next generation. It is not too late, because we can change Africa and break with all of China's new relations in Africa. According to Emery Patrice Lumumba, "We do not want to cut ourselves off from the West, for we are quite aware that no people in the world can be self-sufficient. We are all together in favour of friendship between races" (Lumumba, 1972) but, we need to unite as one people and one Africa because "we were born to live in freedom", unity and harmony, not in slavery, colonialism, humiliation, oppression and exploitation, and neo-colonialism as we live today


    This paper analyzed the colonial missions to Africa, especially China’s secret mission and new policy in Africa today. Our purpose was to show China’s invasion, secret mission and new policy of re-colonization in Africa. The research question that guided our study is: What is China's secret mission in Africa today? Through a historical perspective based on a comparative study, the paper agrees that if the 20th century has been for European missions to Africa for the purpose of civilizing, exploiting and robbing Africa’s natural resources, it is evident that the 21st century is also a century for China to invade massively Africa’s continent with the aim to re-colonize the Africans through a new policy of aid, assistance, technology, cultural exchange and the signing of the colonial pacts such as the economic, social and political agreements.  

    The paper also reveals that China is not a friend of Africa. China does not love Africa but its secret mission is to corrupt the Africans through loans and grants by bringing little assistance in order to rob Africa’s resources and then to take over the land. In our view, China’s policy in Africa remains a colonial policy as compared to European colonial missions and policies. By the way, China comes to Africa as a friend but in reality, it is a business friend or partner.  

    ? The paper recommends that it is high time for all Africans to stop China's invasion and policy in Africa because it is not too late and Africa's blossoming does not need China's loans and assistance. That is why, we think like Kwame Nkrumah (1963: 188) that we in Africa do not "intend a relationship of unequal partners (…) we envisage the African Union" and it is through an African Union that we will succeed in protecting ourselves against any colonial policy in Africa. If we do not come together as one Africa and bring our skills and efforts together to defend our continent, as soon as possible, colonialism will return to Africa by the Chinese people. As Africans, we must stay vigilant about China-Africa relations, because it is through those relations that China is robbing us. What matters today is how and why to stop China's invasion of Africa.  


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    CHICAGO : Mangalala, Brel Grace. 2023. "Colonial Missions To Africa: A Case Study of China's Secret Mission And New Policy In Africa." Global Foreign Policies Review, VI (III): 9-20 doi: 10.31703/gfpr.2023(VI-III).02
    HARVARD : MANGALALA, B. G. 2023. Colonial Missions To Africa: A Case Study of China's Secret Mission And New Policy In Africa. Global Foreign Policies Review, VI, 9-20.
    MHRA : Mangalala, Brel Grace. 2023. "Colonial Missions To Africa: A Case Study of China's Secret Mission And New Policy In Africa." Global Foreign Policies Review, VI: 9-20
    MLA : Mangalala, Brel Grace. "Colonial Missions To Africa: A Case Study of China's Secret Mission And New Policy In Africa." Global Foreign Policies Review, VI.III (2023): 9-20 Print.
    OXFORD : Mangalala, Brel Grace (2023), "Colonial Missions To Africa: A Case Study of China's Secret Mission And New Policy In Africa", Global Foreign Policies Review, VI (III), 9-20
    TURABIAN : Mangalala, Brel Grace. "Colonial Missions To Africa: A Case Study of China's Secret Mission And New Policy In Africa." Global Foreign Policies Review VI, no. III (2023): 9-20.