01 Pages : 1-10
http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gfpr.2023(VI-II).01 10.31703/gfpr.2023(VI-II).01 Published : Jun 2023Sino-Pakistan Relations: A Historical Journey of 70 Years
Pakistan-China friendship is the height of longstanding confidence, regardless of different cultures, political systems and religions. Both countries have evolved their bilateral relationship based on common values and belief systems. Pakistan recognized China in 1950. This relationship has been upgraded to a strategic partnership in 2005, signed a treaty following Friendship and Good Neighbourly relationship. Both countries have successfully managed their relationship over a long and tumultuous journey of 70 years. This study delineates Pakistan-China strategic relationships in different phases of history from 1950 to 2020.
Pakistan-China Friendship, Cold War, South Asia, Xi Jinping, Defense Relationship
(1) Muhammad Nauman Akhter
PhD International Politics, Shandong University, Qingdao, China.
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APA : Akhter, M. N. (2023). Sino-Pakistan Relations: A Historical Journey of 70 Years. Global Foreign Policies Review, VI(II), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.31703/gfpr.2023(VI-II).01
CHICAGO : Akhter, Muhammad Nauman. 2023. "Sino-Pakistan Relations: A Historical Journey of 70 Years." Global Foreign Policies Review, VI (II): 1-10 doi: 10.31703/gfpr.2023(VI-II).01
HARVARD : AKHTER, M. N. 2023. Sino-Pakistan Relations: A Historical Journey of 70 Years. Global Foreign Policies Review, VI, 1-10.
MHRA : Akhter, Muhammad Nauman. 2023. "Sino-Pakistan Relations: A Historical Journey of 70 Years." Global Foreign Policies Review, VI: 1-10
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OXFORD : Akhter, Muhammad Nauman (2023), "Sino-Pakistan Relations: A Historical Journey of 70 Years", Global Foreign Policies Review, VI (II), 1-10
TURABIAN : Akhter, Muhammad Nauman. "Sino-Pakistan Relations: A Historical Journey of 70 Years." Global Foreign Policies Review VI, no. II (2023): 1-10. https://doi.org/10.31703/gfpr.2023(VI-II).01